Block of Time | Selected services at your fingertips
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What is Block of Time?

Basically, Block of Time, is buying a certain amount of time with our company, divide it however you want and use it for multiple projects, based on our diverse expertise: Web Development & programming, Graphic Design, Photography, Videography, Search Engine Optimization, Adwords campaign, etc. BOT hours do not expire at the end of the month, they rollover!

For example, the above graph shows a custom Block of Time of 34 hours, bought by a company.
They used the first 7 hours designing an amazing Catalog. Then, they decided to fix an old plugin bug in their shopping cart (WordPress based) and a few CSS edits.  Then they realized one of their Google Adwords campaigns wasn’t performing optimally, so our team spent 3 hours optimizing the campaign. Shortly after, their accounting department was having data inconsistencies inside an Excel document. Our programmers were able to create a VBA macro to fix them.
Once they no longer had pressing matters, they decided to re-design their e-mail blast design. ALL OF THAT WAS DONE DURING A BLOCK OF TIME. What can you do with your Block of Time?

What services are available in my Block of Time?

Web Development

  • CMS: WordPress, Joomla, Magento, etc.
  • Graphic design: concepts/Mockups
  • Tailored/Custom websites with Database

Content Writing

  • 100% Original content
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • SEO Friendly and keyword rich

Video Production

  • Professional videographers
  • High quality equipment
  • Cutting edge editing

Mobile Apps

  • Multi-platform development
  • UX & UI design
  • App store submission

Social Media

  • Periodic Posting to platforms
  • Graphic design for visual posts
  • Replies and follower interaction

Web Analytics

  • Website visitor flow
  • Customer retention tracking
  • Engagement measurement

Online Reviews

  • Reputation management
  • Customer replies
  • Negative reviews cleanup


  • State of the art equipment
  • Professional photo editing
  • Well-rounded photographers

Email Campaigns

  • HTML email mobile design
  • Periodic/Scheduled release
  • CSV suscriber list

Product Development

  • Label design
  • Packaging services
  • Product fulfillment

Pay Per Click

  • Keyword research
  • Adwords Campaign
  • Ad Group performance

Online Marketing & SEO

  • Organic Searh Engine Optimization
  • Website Keywording and linking
  • Outbound and Inbound linking


Clients Served by BOT


Current projects


Production hours


Year we started


Clear, open, honest pricing; No hidden fees

Best price
  • Bronze Plan

  • $500
    • Ideal for starting businesses
    • Hours of work: 6
    • Billed at: $83/hour
    • Savings: See next plan
    • Rollover hours: YES

  • Silver Plan

  • $1200
    • Ideal small businesses
    • Hours of work: 15
    • Billed at: $80/hour
    • Savings of $45
    • Rollover hours: YES

  • Gold Plan

  • $2550
    • Ideal medium businesses
    • Hours of work: 34
    • Billed at: $75/hour
    • Savings of $272
    • Rollover hours: YES

Best Value
  • Platinum Plan

  • $5040
    • Full workforce
    • Hours of work: 72
    • Billed at: $70/hour
    • Savings of $936
    • Rollover hours: YES

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is Block Of Time?

Block of Time is basically a time slot you can buy with our multi-talented agency in order to tackle any project(s) you may have in the pipeline. Within this time, you can use a great variety of services our office provides. Let’s say you acquire a 15-hour block of time (BOT): You can use 5 hours creating stationary material, and the other 10 hours building a landing page that acts as a lead generator for your own company.

How does Block Of Time work?

Once you decide on what Block Of Time plan suits your company the best, you are in control of how your time gets used.
Our company will provide yours with a project management system where you can keep track of your time and see how its being used; You can leave comments and get replies right in the platform.

What happens when my times runs out?

Once your time depletes, you can choose to buy extra hours (in case your project needs small adjustments before completion) or you can choose to buy another Block Of Time to address other ventures.

What if I don't use my time within a month?

Currently, your Block Of Time does not expire at the end of the month, unless it is the last month of the year. To put it simply: your Block of Time hours can rollover to the next calendar month, but all Blocks Of Time purchased must be used before the year’s end.

Do certain services have a higher hourly cost than others?

Not with us. Under your Block Of Time, you can use any service available to you.

How do I track how my BOT is being spent?

When you sign up for a Block Of Time, you get access to our Project Management System. In there, you will interact with the agent(s) assigned to your project, check progress, time invested, etc.